For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
100V, 10A, 1000W Pulse Mode SourceMeter With Contact Check


Manufactured by: Keithley Instruments


Keithley Instruments 2430C - Multimeters

Keithley Instruments 2430C Overview

The 2430 Source Meter combines a precise, low-noise, highly stable DC power supply with a low-noise, highly repeatable, high-impedance multimeter. It has 0.012% basic accuracy with 5Tone-digit resolution. At 5Tone digits, the SourceMeter delivers 520 readings/second over the IEEE-488 bus. At 4Tone digits, it can read up to 2000 readings/second into its internal buffer. The contact check function detects potential measurement errors when making remotely sensed (Kelvin) measurements. The unit has broad source and measurement ranges: Source DC or pulse voltage from 5V to 105V; measure voltage from 1V to 105.5V. Source DC current from 500pA to 3.15A; measure DC current from 100pA to 3.165A. Source pulse current from 500pA to 10.5A; measure pulse current from 100pA to 10.55A. Measure resistance from 10 (<10 in manual ohms) to 21.1M. Maximum DC source power is 110W. Maximum pulse source power is 1.1kW.

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