For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Digital Multimeter


Manufactured by: Ametek - Elgar

Category:AC Power Supplies

Ametek - Elgar 189 - AC Power Supplies

Ametek - Elgar 189 Overview


  • 0.025% basic DC accuracy
  • 50,000-count resolution with instant readings enables detailed analyses
  • 100 kHz ac bandwidth opens the possibilities of modern applications not possible with less capable DMMs
  • Internal memory allows for stand alone logging of measurement changes (up to 3 days) indentifying stable and unstable periods with a real-time stamp.
  • MIN MAX to record and timestamp values in real-time.
  • 250 µS Fast MIN MAX for peak transient capture.
  • Temperature readings in ºC or ºF using optional K-type thermocouple
  • Enhanced ranges, such as dc voltage measurements down to 10 µV, and capacitance up to 50,000 µF
  • Multiple reading display with bargraph has two-level backlight
  • The Fluke 189 have on-line logging capabilities when connected to a PC. It also has the additional cabability of logging 995 readings in a stand-alone application for later download to a PC.

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