For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Programmable AC Source 375VA


Manufactured by: Chroma

Category:AC Power Supplies

Chroma 6404 Overview

The Chroma 6404 Programmable AC Power Source uses state of the art PWM technology to deliver pure, instrument grade AC power at very low cost never achieved before. The 6400 Series AC power source offers maximum rated power for any output voltage from 0 to 300VAC, at any frequency from 45 to 500 Hz. It is not only suitable for commercial applications(47-63Hz), but also for avionics, marine, military applications at 400Hz. All models generate very clean output with typical distor-tion less than 0.3%! Incorporating power factor correction circuit, the 6400 AC power source yields higher efficiency and delivers more output power than competitive instru-ments. Furthermore, it is capable of high peak repetitive current needed to drive most electronic products with high crest factor input design.

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