For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Digital Multimeter 4.5 Digits


Manufactured by: Fluke


Fluke 8520A - Multimeters

Fluke 8520A Overview

The 8520A Multimeter has burst memory plus math capabilities making it exceptionally intelligent. Designed for system and bench applications, the 8520A offers 5 1/2-digit resolution and offers built-in system interface circuits. A choice of DC, true rms AC volts, 2 and 4-wire ohms and conductance makes this unit versatile as well. The conductance function provides a simple way to measure resistance from 10 Mohms to 100,000 Mohms. Features: 520 reading per second, 20 ppm basic DC accuracy, IEEE-488 system interface.

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