For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
B-Size VME/VXI Mainframe, 9-Slot


Manufactured by: Keysight / Agilent


Keysight / Agilent E1300B - Mainframe

Keysight / Agilent E1300B Overview

The Agilent E1300B B-size VXI mainframe features improved dual fan cooling for support of the most demanding B-size modules, such as the E1312A. Two of its nine slots are located internally and are dedicated to housing the 2-slot E1326B multimeter.

The E1300B Mainframe features a built-in high-performance command module (functionally identical to the E1306A Command Module) with built-in GPIB interface.


  • 9-Slot, B-size
  • Dual fan cooling supports high-power modules
  • Low-cost, compact mainframe
  • Built-in command module
  • GPIB interface and Resource Manager
  • SCPI for easy programming

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