For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
SR250 Boxcar Gated Integrator Module


Manufactured by: Stanford Research Systems

Category:Plug In / Part / Component / Module

Stanford Research Systems SR250 - Plug In / Part / Component / Module

Stanford Research Systems SR250 Overview

The Stanford Research SR250 Gated Integrator is a versatile, high-speed, NIM module designed to recover fast analog signals from noisy backgrounds. The SR250 consists of a gate generator, a fast gated integrator, and exponential averaging circuitry. The gate generator, triggered internally or externally, provides an adjustable delay from a few nanoseconds to 100 ms before it generates a continuously adjustable gate with a width between 2 ns and 15 Tones. The gate delay can be set from the front panel or automatically scanned by applying a rear-panel control voltage. Scanning the gate allows the recovery of entire waveforms. The fast gated integrator integrates the input signal during the gate. The output from the integrator is then normalized by the gate width to provide a voltage proportional to the average of the input signal during the sampling gate. This signal is further amplified and sampled by a low-droop sample-and-hold amplifier, and output via a front-panel BNC connector.

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