For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Universal Waveform Generator


Manufactured by: Wavetek

Category:Function Generators

Wavetek 39 - Function Generators

Wavetek 39 Overview

Wavetek's Model 39 Universal Waveform Generator combines seven generators
in one to provide extensive capabilities. For one low price, it is an
arbitrary waveform generator (arb), function generator, pulse/pulse-train
generator, sweep generator, trigger generator, tone generator and AM modulation

Model 39 is a powerful 12-bit arbitrary
waveform generator with 65,536 points of waveform memory and clock speeds
up to 30 MS/s. Up to 50 waveforms can be stored in non-volatile memory.
Waveforms can be created and modified from the front panel or can be downloaded
over the included RS-232 and GPIB interfaces with Wavetek's WaveForm DSP2
software. For complex applications, multiple waveforms can linked together
in a sequence.

With 12 standard functions built-in, Model 39 is an
excellent function generator capable of generating square waves to 15
MHz and sine waves to 10 MHz.

Single pulses and complex pulse trains
are generated with programmable period, width, delay and amplitude. Pulse
trains containing up to 10 independently programmed pulses provide a powerful
capability not found in standard pulse generators.

Model 39 provides a wide range of operating
modes including continuous, triggered burst, gated, frequency sweep, tone
generation, external amplitude modulation and external signal summing

Model 39 comes standard with GPIB and RS-232 interfaces
plus an RS-232 cable. All functions are programmable from the front panel
or remotely.

Multiple units may be phase locked for multi-channel applications.
Phase angle is programmable between units.

Up to 9 complete instrument set-ups can be stored in
non-volatile memory and power-on settings are programmable.

Model 39 provides tremendous functionality at a very affordable
price. At one low price, the Model 39 combines the capabilities of seven
generators in one.


  • Arbitrary Waveforms up to 65,536 Points with 12-bit Resolution
  • Waveform Sequencing
  • Synthesized Function Generator including Square Waves to 15 MHz and
    Sine Waves to 10 MHz
  • Pulse/Pulse-Train Generator
  • Trigger Generator
  • Sweep, AM and Tone Modes
  • Multi-unit Phase Locking
  • GPIB and RS-232 Interfaces

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