For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Vector Network Analyzer, 40 MHz to 13.5 GHz


Manufactured by: Anritsu

Category:Network Analyzers

Anritsu 37225C - Network Analyzers

Anritsu 37225C Overview

The Anrtisu 37225C microwave vector network analyzer is a high performance tool used to make fast and accurate S-parameter measurements across the 22MHz to 13.3GHz bands. the 37225C uses a integrated fast sweeping synthesized source, auto reversing s parameter test set and 4 channel receiver. built in mass storage via hard drive and internal 3.5Tone ms-dos floppy drive are standard. 7.5Tone color display with user definable trace, text and graticule colors. supports multiple formats, log magnitude, phase, log magnitude and phase, smith chart ( impedance & admittance ) , log polar group delay, linear magnitude, linear magnitude and phase, real, imaginary, realy and imaginary and swr. 1601 data points maximum. six independent markders, limit lines. full gpib control and labview compatible.

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