For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Fading Simulator


Manufactured by: Anritsu

Category:Signal Source

Anritsu MF6900A Overview


High reproducibility and maintainability due to full digital baseband processing
One unit supports LTE 4x2 MIMO or 2x2 MIMO 2-cell testing
Supports LTE 2x2 MIMO to W-CDMA inter-system handover tests
Easy fading settings with MD8430A/MD8480C test scenarios
Extendable hardware platform with up to four input and four output ports

Anritsu MF6900A Options

201 Additional LVDS Interface Retrofit
MX690000A Fading Simulator Version 91.05.09 Standard Software
MX690020A WCDMA Extended Model

Anritsu MF6900A All Available Options Expand

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