For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Signal Generator 2 - 20 GHz


Manufactured by: Anritsu

Category:Signal Generators

Anritsu MG3692B Overview

The Anritsu MG3690B series of broadband signal generators covers both RF and microwave frequencies from 0.1 Hz to 70 GHz. For mmW frequencies, the MG3690B’s coverage can be extended up to 325 GHz or beyond, with external multipliers. Thus, the MG3690B series is an ideal signal source for both RF and microwave requirements, fully configurable from simple to high performance applications.
The Anritsu MG3692B covers the frequency range of 2 GHz to 20 GHz.

Anritsu MG3692B Options

1B   Rackmount without slides
4      RF DOWNCONVERTER .01 to 2.2 GHZ
22    Audio Frequency coverage

Anritsu MG3692B All Available Options Expand

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