For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
10MHz DDS Sweep/Function Generator


Manufactured by: BK Precision

Category:Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generators

BK Precision 4017B - Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generators

BK Precision 4017B Overview

The B+K Precision Model 4017B DDS Sweep/Function Generator is a versatile signal source which combines several functions into one unit including waveform generator, pulse generation (through variable symmetry), frequency sweep and frequency counter.

The heart of the function generator is a DDS based system that produces precision timing for sine, square, or triangle wave generation with frequencies between 0.01 Hz and 10 MHz. A continuously variable offset allows the output to be injected directly into circuits at the correct bias level.

The versatility and capabilities of the 4017B allows for a vast number of applications in both analog and digital electronics fields including Design Engineering, Manufacturing, Servicing and Education. The 4017B has the ability to output a wide range of frequencies that encompasses sub-audible, audio, ultrasonic, and RF applications.


  • Up to 10MHz available on Sine, Square & Ramp Waveforms
  • 2x16 LCD Display area
  • Clean output waveforms
  • "Intelligent Encoder" frequency control knob
  • Linear and log sweeps
  • Output level displayed on the LCD
  • CMOS/TTL Outputs
  • Adjustable DC offset
  • RS232 Interface

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