For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
20MHz DDS Sweep Function Generator


Manufactured by: BK Precision

Category:Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generators

BK Precision 4040DDS - Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generators

BK Precision 4040DDS Overview

The model 4040DDS is a must have for anyone needing a low cost, full featured direct digital synthesis (DDS) generator with a menu-driven front panel interface that includes a large, easy-to-read graphical LCD display. Waveform parameter changes and data entry can be made using the front panel rotary knob. The unit generates superb quality waveforms with high signal precision and stability. It provides sine & square wave outputs over the frequency range from 0.1 Hz to 20 MHz in one extended range (triangle/ramped wave outputs to 2MHz). A full range of triggering capabilities is available, including internal-external trigger source and gated modes of operation.


  • 20MHz Frequency Range (sine & square only)
  • Sine, Square, & Triangle
  • Modulation in both AM & FM
  • Lin or Log Sweep Function
  • Adjustable Duty Cycle
  • Adjustable DC Offset
  • Bright Informative LCD

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