For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
68Ch Portable Logic Analyzer-PC-Hosted


Manufactured by: Keysight / Agilent

Category:Logic Analyzers

Keysight / Agilent 1692AD - Logic Analyzers

Keysight / Agilent 1692AD Overview

The award-winning 1680 Series standalone and 1690 Series PC-hosted logic analyzers simplify complex logic analysis measurements in a remarkably intuitive, easy-to-navigate Windows®-based environment. These affordable logic analyzers offer a variety of channel counts, memory depths, and form factors, giving you the flexibility to choose a model that matches your work style, application, and budget.

Logic Analyzer Configuration

  • 68-channel portable logic analyzer
  • Intuitive user interface and familiarity of Windows XP Pro
  • Comprehensive single-ended signal support, threshold adjustable from -6 V to 6 V (10 mV increments)

Timing Analysis (Asynchronous Sampling)

  • 800 MHz / 400 MHz (half/full-channel) conventional timing, 4 M / 2 M memory depth
  • 200 MHz transitional timing, 1 M memory depth

State Analysis (Synchronous Sampling)

  • 200 MHz state analysis, 1 M memory depth
  • Automated threshold/sample position setup for accurate measurements on high-speed buses
  • Simultaneous eye diagrams on all channels identify problem signals quickly

Configuration Considerations

  • Compatible with 40-pin logic analyzer probes. Probes are ordered separately. Agilent’s Probe Recommendations

Keysight / Agilent 1692AD All Available Options Expand

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