For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Data Generator


Manufactured by: Keysight / Agilent

Category:Data Generator

Keysight / Agilent 8180A - Data Generator

Keysight / Agilent 8180A Overview

This 8180A Data Generator offers comfortable data pattern editing and convenient softkey operation. It provides a 1Hz to 50MHz data rate and can be utilized with an 8182A Data Analyzer (sold separately) to make up a complete system. The 8180A comes standard with 8 NRZ (non-return-to-zero). You have two clock channels with 100 ps resolution for delay and width, 1 kbit memory/channel, and available transition times of 3.5 ns for TTL, typically 1.5 ns for ECL! Output level is quite sufficient for most applications; -2 V to +17 V into open (-2 V to +5.5 V into 50-ohms with 10 mV resolution). Fully HP-IB programmable allows for manual or automated operation. If you need more channels, add an 8181A Data Generator Extender (sold separately).

The HP 8180A is a modular, high speed Data Generator for the stimulation of digital IC's and boards.

For the analysis of a digital circuit's response, and it provides capabilities for data capture and comparison, and for level and timing characteristics measurements.

The Data Generators and Data Analyzers are matched in performance with regard to vector rates, vector memory depth and measurement accuracy and functionality.

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