For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
High-Performance Universal Counter


Manufactured by: Keysight / Agilent


Keysight / Agilent E1420B - VXI

Keysight / Agilent E1420B Overview

The Agilent E1420B High-Performance Universal Counter, a C-size, 1-slot, message based VXI module. It provides the full set of traditional universal counter measurements (frequency, period, time interval, totalize, and ratio), plus the automatic measurements of rise/fall time, pulse width, phase, and ac/dc voltages. Additionally, this module provides x10 attenuation, allowing measurements of higher-powered signals.

The E1420B is ideal for ATE applications requiring high speed in all phases of a measurement -- setup, measure, and output. It can make up to 60 measurements per second of the same function. It can also sequence through a series of different functions at up to 40 measurements per second. For even faster measurements, the optional shared memory capability yields up to 160 measurements per second. This shared RAM option allows the E1420B to send measurement data to a VXI device with shared RAM. Data may be accessed by the controller, thus eliminating data formatting time and providing higher measurement throughput.

The E1420B features the industry standard SCPI interface language. SCPI will let you develop code that can easily be leveraged, increase the life of test software, and decrease the time spent learning new instrument languages.


  • 1-Slot, C-Size, message based
  • 200 MHz frequency range, optional 2.5 GHz channel
  • 9-digit resolution in 1 second gate time
  • 2 ns time interval resolution (200 ps with averaging)
  • Shared memory option configuration
  • Phase measurement and measurement timeout
  • For complete details, click on the Data Sheet link

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