For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Next Generation SONET/SDH & Jitter


Manufactured by: Keysight / Agilent

Category:BERT / Jitter Test

Keysight / Agilent J7231B - BERT / Jitter Test

Keysight / Agilent J7231B Overview

The Agilent J7231B OmniBER OTN jitter analyzer is the world''s first tester for all synchronous SDH/SONET rates up to 10 Gb/s and G.709 OTU2 at 10.71 Gb/s. Now with added next generation SONET/SDH capability to test the latest Multi Service Plateforms (MSPs), the OmniBER OTN provides a complete functional and jitter test solution in a single tester. Designed for development, verification and manufacturing applications, the analyzer provides the industry''s most accurate jitter test solution. Exhibiting ultra-low and stable instrinsic jitter characteristics, the OmniBER OTN exceeds the ITU-T O.172 recommendation, giving you extra margin when designing to meet the relevant Telcordia and ITU-T jitter recommendations. The analyzer is also able to detect and measure very short jitter transients, ensuring that no potential problem goes unnoticed by your measurement.


  • Exceeds ITU-T O.172 specification for jitter and wander test equipment
  • All optical SONET/SDH/OTN jitter and wander test, 52 Mb/s to 10.71 Gb/s
  • Fully programmable user masks for jitter tolerance and jitter transfer measurements
  • Unique parallel measurement filter architecture speeds testing and event correlation
  • Next generation SONET/SDH Ethernet payload mapping simulation and analysis - GFP (G.7041) and LAPS (X.86)
  • High and low order Virtual Concatenation (G.707) and LCAS (G.7042) simulation and analysis. Full G.707 differential delay generation and measurement to 256ms.
  • Encapsulation analyzer provides detailed view and capture of client data for resolving complex or intermittent problems
  • SONET/SDH APS service disruption measurements.
  • ITU-T G.709 OTU2 optical channel support including Forward Error Correction (FEC) simulation and analysis, and OTU frame capture

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