For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
EMI Receivers / EMC Analyzers


Manufactured by: Keytek

Category:EMI Receivers / EMC Analyzers

Keytek CEMASTER - EMI Receivers / EMC Analyzers

Keytek CEMASTER Overview

The Keytek CEMaster EMC / EMI Immunity Test Simulator provides compliance-level testing to IEC 1000-4-X Series Immunity Standards.

The CEMaster is a user-configurable EMC immunity compliance test instrument that performs testing to the six European Norm immunity standards. It features built-in dip and interrupt capabilities with transitions to multiple levels.

The CEMaster also has an internal magnetic field generator and a computer-controlled ESD simulator. Windows-based software controls the instrument and provides predefined routines for all required CE qualification tests.

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