For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
GPS Noise and Interference Generator


Manufactured by: Noisecom

Category:Noise [Source/Figure Meter]

Noisecom GPS7500 - Noise [Source/Figure Meter]

Noisecom GPS7500 Overview

The Noise Com programmable GPS7500 Noise & Interference Generator is capable of generating up to a 40 MHz wide noise or interference band for GPS receiver susceptibility testing. The Large 8.4 “ color display contains unit block diagrams and tabular signal values making the creation of CW, noise or interference signals simple and intuitive. Several pre-programmed FAA RCTA susceptibility test signals allow the user to begin testing immediately. Modular capability provides for expansion with additional independent AWG plug-in cards for the GPS, Galileo, or GLONASS signal bands. This unique combination allows one instrument to support today’s, as well as, tomorrow’s navigation satellite standards.


  • Simultaneously test two bands
  • Bands include L1, L2, L5, & E4a, E5a & b
  • Unit can be upgraded for other bands *
  • Built-in GPS signal and interference combiner
  • FAA RCTA DO-229, DO-235 and DO-253 susceptibility testing
  • AWG allows creation of any interference or jamming waveform
  • Import user created MatLAB data files for digital conversion
  • * Only two channels per instrument
  • Noisecom GPS7500 All Available Options Expand

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