For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
A931 Waveform Analyzer


Manufactured by: Scientific Atlanta


Scientific Atlanta A931 - Communications

Scientific Atlanta A931 Overview

The Wiltron 9361B Signaling Test Set is used in telephone central offices to test or monitor the incoming and outgoing dialing and supervision of signaling equipment. The test set employs a microprocessor design with independent send and receive capability. The sender provides both preset and user-programmed values (in memory) for pulses per second(PPS) and percent break (% BRK). The Wiltron 9361B also provides selectable interdigital timing and no-wait digit dialing with automatic repeat dialing of last number dialed. The receiver has pushbutton controls for selecting the following measurement functions: PPS, % BRK, First Pulse Distortion, and Count Pulses. Measurements are made on a single pulse train or on a string of continuous pulses.

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