For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Airdata Multimeter Electronic Micromanometer


Manufactured by: Shortridge Instruments

Category:Flow Meter

Shortridge Instruments ADM-870 - Flow Meter

Shortridge Instruments ADM-870 Overview

The ADM-870 AirData Multimeter is designed specifically for applications with demanding air distribution requirements. The unique features of this meter are ideally suited for maintaining air quality control in facilities such as hospitals; pharmaceutical, biological and medical research laboratories; and semiconductor manufacturing cleanrooms. Designed for field use, this meter is as accurate and sensitive ss the best laboratory micromanometer. The 16-point averaging VelGrid provides accurate and repeatable velocity readings at HEPA filters, laminar flow work workstations, chemical exhaust hoods, coil banks and other general face velocity applications. The VelProbe is for single point air velocity measurement. Its 18-inch straight shaft can be used in ducts as small as two inches in diameter. Battery powered, with 2000 readings per charge.

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