For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
StellarNet SL3 Fiber Optic Deuterium Light Source, 190-450 nm


Manufactured by: StellarNet Inc

Category:Fiber Optics

StellarNet Inc SL3 - Fiber Optics

StellarNet Inc SL3 Overview

·        Power consumption 30 watts
·        Output regulation 0.05% 
·        Spectral Range 190 – 450nm
·        Time to stabilize output 15 min
·        External filter slot holds 0.5 inch diameter filters 
·        Power output 15 watts /m2
·        Spectral attenuation none
 ·        Bulb Color Temp 4000K 
·        Connector SMA905 

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