For example: Agilent E4440A or Anritsu 68369
Bit Error Rate Testers


Manufactured by: SyntheSys Research


SyntheSys Research BA25B - Communications

SyntheSys Research BA25B Overview

The BA25B is designed to assist communications systems designers to quickly characterize the error performance of channels up to 25 Mb/s. It displays error correlations, provides real-time error logging, and provides TTL or differential-TTL interfaces. The BA25B utilizes our patented BitAlyzer® technology to locate and analyze errors in digital channels, going beyond bit error rate to provide a complete diagnostic solution. The BA25B includes a pseudo-random (or 16-bit user-defined) pattern generator and a patented Error Location Analysis™ error logging receiver, and a built-in clock source Features: 1 kbit/sec to 25 Mb/s Bit Error Rate Analysis BitAlyzer® Error Location Analysis™ Complete Data Generator, Analyzer, and Clock Source Live or Offline Error Analysis TTL or Differential TTL interfaces

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